Welcome to NextPatterns

NextPatterns is a course based on exercises. I describe a problem and how to fix it, and then you can practice on a real application.

If you are not in the mood for practice, you can jump straight to the solution.

You don’t need to install anything on your computer. NextPatterns relies on WebContainers via the TutorialKit framework, a wonderful piece of technology that allows us run fullstack applications directly in your browser.

Take a few minutes to explore the user interface.

You’ll find the following:

  • A code editor with code samples demonstrating the problem we want to solve.
  • A button to check the solution.
  • A preview of a running Next application (it can take some time to load and start).

The code is merged into a running Next application, and the result is what you see in the preview section.

You can edit the code and see the changes happen in real-time!

Now that you’re more familiar with the interface, let’s move on to the first pattern: properly streaming files in Next.js route handlers.

NextPatterns is currently in its beta-test phase. Want to join? Reach out to me on X (ericbureltech) or at support@nextpatterns.dev

Powered by WebContainers
Preparing Environment
  • Installing dependencies
  • Starting http server